Thursday, November 17, 2011

I know I am a Capoeirista when...

-                I dream of rodas and sequences
-                My hands automatically move on any surface as if I am playing the pandeiro or Djembe
-                I say 'obrigada' and 'ola' to random people at work
-                I respond to any sounds that's phonetic to 'Gata'
-                I check the internet for Capoeira updates, videos and pictures during crucial meetings
-                I start believing that a quixada or compasso can fix any arrogant fool @ work or elsewhere
-                All I do is talk about my class like it's the ONLY coolest  thing on this planet
-                I subconsciously look down on those not in capoeira and imagine they are missing out on something great (that's just plain wrong thought process)
-                All exclamations are 'whoopaaa' (my colleagues thought I had lost it)
-                My phone wall paper, ring tone, DP all is capoeiracentric
-                All birthday celebrations feel strange to me because I start singing 'parabens pra voce'
-                I listen to capoeira music on my ipod and have the expression of attaining Nirvana when probably those around me think it's time for my next psychiatric evaluation
-                I tell people I am a capoeirista and expect them to understand what that means. The failure of which makes me roll my eyes as if it calls for "Duh don't you know"
-                I disregard all other forms of physical activities, the gym and any other martial arts cuz capoeira is simply at its wholesome best
-                I consider myself a world musician and expect people to understand when I say 'yes I play berimbau, atabaque, pandeiro, agogo, caxixi.'
-                I start asking people for their apelidos and completely loose the concept of remembering and referring to people by their real names
-                When I come across a plan, a place, a holiday spot, a show or any damn thing all I can think of is whom to invite from class or to go with
-                My idea of redecoration and renovation turns into a capoeira design project (something my dad totally disapproves of)
-                Must must have yellow and green colors around me.
-                I start beaming at the Brazilian flag as if I were a citizen of that country
-                Suddenly I have total identity crisis and think I am a Brazilian trapped in an Indian body
-                My clothes are all about comfortable tracks, t-shirts, vests, tanks and anything I can wear to class and back home
-                Capoeira clothes take precedence over all other clothes when it comes to laundry
-                I cease beautifying myself or even bothering with a pedicure/ manicure cuz hell it's no use..
-                When headwraps are the new hair accessories
-                I like beer and guzzle it and often opt for beer over any other drink
-                I have had more barbequed chicken than anyone else in my circle
-                I spend more time in Khar-Bandra area than my own residential area or work place
-                I time my meetings, appointments, schedules, travels, holidays and everything else around capoeira class, rodas and trips
-                I visited Israel under the pretext of Capoeira and now am in love with the country. Seriously guys Israel never features on people's top 10 holiday destinations
-                I actually save up like a child with a piggy-bank for Brazil trip sometime soon
-                I am the new priest of Capoeira - all I do is talk and preach capoeira
-                I climb 4 floors to SS Sahney (capoeira class) with a nearly damaged leg covered in leg braces balancing on a pair of crutches I am unsure of myself on. But I refused to walk 2 steps in the hospital corridor next to my bed.
-                While setting a password I always think of capoeira or Portuguese words…
-                My husband/ boyfriend/ lifepartner should UNDERSTAND the relevance of capoeira in my life else.. There's the door buddy
-                Every time I see sufficient space or open space I imagine how apt it would be for a roda
-                Every time I see a wall I feel like a handstand
-                Climbing stairs is not an issue at all (not like it was an issue before)
-                I start imagining apelidos for random people and laugh in my head if the apelido is not in good taste
-                My shopping list HAS to have some reference or item related to capoeira
-                Rickshaw fares and bus fares as calculated only to and fro from class.
-                When people ask me now "Are you free on weekends" I have a "Nope" ready for them
-                Carter Road = Chico's/ Zorro's/ roda
-       Injuries and cuts and bruises to my hands are more from the instruments than any kitchen work
-                Capoeira class is the only place or time when I hug and appreciate and/ or love the people who injure me or take me down (Disclaimer: Not everyone fits in this category)
-                All my friends apart from CDO India think that Priyankka Gata Dutta is my married name (LOL)
-                Suddenly I KNOW more people who are constantly in the media glare, on TV, in the papers, page 3, own high-end business' etc (quite an extraordinary luxury)
-                Brazilian Portuguese is the 3rd standard dictionary set up in my system
-                All my dance moves now concentrate only on lower body parts *rolling eyes*
-                I hate the BRU coffee ads which apparently feature 'Brazilian culture' and Capoeira-like attempt
-                I have graduated from Bathroom singer to singing loudly and shamelessly in the roda with least concern to the nearby listener's auditory senses
-                I dare to wear white pants irrespective of how much luxury it ads to my expanding waistline
-                I see wool - I see cordao
-                Everyone who is a capoeirista is by default my friend.
-                When I travel I 1st look for capoeira school
-                I pay more attention now to my derriere when I am buying trousers or denim *rolling eyes twice over*
-                My monthly budget includes capoeira related expenditure
-                Capoeira is NEVER an option. It's a OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE NEED for me
-                I start seeing my CDO Family members in everyday objects, characters and visuals e.g. captain - capitaõ; monkey - macaco; popeye the sailor man - apunchya popeye n so on
-                I have turned into a feline - only thing left to do is groom myself like a cat and eat like a cat (not gonna happen)
-                My consumption of milk and fish has tripled from an already voracious appetite of both
-                I am writing this article for my blog on CAPOEIRA yet again.. 

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